Super Bowl

February 14, 2013 by Staff

If I could think of just one person who never seems to know how to keep his shallow-minded opinions to himself, it’s none other than Mr. Donald Trump. The man has no boundaries. It’s one thing to bash other celebrities with public statements and threats of legal action for one reason or another, but Trump […]

February 6, 2013 by Hollywoodite

This whole season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta has been one long shill for the girls’ products. It’s axiomatically the whole point of the show, to make money, but there hasn’t been a lot of action beyond the scenes contrived to sell product. Including the asinine standoff between the Donkey Booty and Stallion Booty […]

February 4, 2013 by Staff

If critics still doubted Beyonce’s vocal talents, those doubts were silenced on Sunday during the Super Bowl XLVII. Earlier this week, Beyonce admitted during a press conference that she lip-synced to a pre-recorded track during her national anthem performance at the 2013 Inauguration of President Obama. This had many believing that Beyonce’s talent may be […]

January 29, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Late last year, shortly after Beyonce was confirmed as the chosen performer at the 2013 Super Bowl half-time show, rumours began about how she was going to fill the spot and with whom. There have been reports about other singers and even fans joining Beyonce on stage in addition to the ostensibly “confirmed” rumour that […]

February 10, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Madonna is the only person yet to react to the M.I.A. middle finger that overshadowed the other 12-minutes of the Super Bowl half-time show. In an extremely-long phone-in interview with Ryan Seacrest, Madonna addressed the before, during, and after, with a few of her trademark snide, passive-aggressive digs at everyone from her own kids to M.I.A.; […]

February 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This Sunday was Super Bowl XLVI for which Madonna was the half-time entertainment. It was a performance that was met with generally positive reviews. In a nutshell: people liked the scale of the performance, they liked the choreo/costumes/ staging, but disliked the (necessary) lip-syncing and pre-recorded shenanigans. Honestly, the stage felt HUGE; as in, bigger than past […]

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