Star Magazine

March 7, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian also covers Star Magazine. Except they’re not prematurely declaring her a single mother, they’re pretty much literally calling her “fat” with name-calling and a fabricated number used to represent her weight gain. The cover says “5 ft 2 ins 185 lbs. Pregnant Kim’s Nightmare. 65 lbs weight gain. Binges on pasta, cake and ice […]

February 28, 2013 by Hollywoodite

You’re pretty much out of luck if you want a tabloid to read this week and you haven’t been watching The Bachelor because Sean Lowe covers most of the issues this week. As he will continue to do in coming weeks. The tabloids are taking one of two rather obvious positions to sell covers this […]

February 21, 2013 by Hollywoodite

In the least surprising arrangement of words to ever appear on a tabloid cover, the new issue of Star Magazine alleges that Kanye West put a baby in Kim Kardashian because Kim Kardashian likes to make money. Back when Kardashian embarked upon a second marriage, this time to Kris Humphries whom she axiomatically married for $20 […]

February 13, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Kate Middleton’s baby bump in a bikini covers the new issue of Star Magazine and also Italy’s Chi Magazine which, last year, broke the European taboo that you’re supposed to give the British royals a measure of privacy at all times. Back in 2012, Chi went against unwritten protocol that got similar publications shut down […]

January 31, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Last week’s cover of In Touch Weekly Magazine purported to have released excerpts from the personal journals of Robert Kardashian, Sr. provided by his widow, Ellen Kardashian, that alleged physical abuse and neglect of the older four Kardashian kids, especially the older girls. About which they issued denials that Ellen rebutted point-by-point in a subsequent interview. And this week’s […]

January 24, 2013 by Hollywoodite

There seems to be a trend in the tabloids for passing off year-old information as new on their covers. Life & Style is running a story from March 2012 on its cover. And ITW passed information from January 2012 as new on a recent cover. Not to be left out, Star is running its own […]

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