Star Magazine
May 9, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Life & Style Magazine’s cover is about Jennifer Aniston’s womb because OK! Magazine was busy covering Jessica Simpson’s newborn (real babies trump imagined ones). This is another cover headline that obfuscates, reading as follows: “Jen Tells Friends: I’m Going To Be A Mom! After freezing her eggs, doctors help 43-year-old Jen conceive. How she’s hiding her […]
May 2, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Angelina Jolie covers this week’s Star Magazine with another quasi cheating story about Brad Pitt that’s not what it appears to be. There are no details on the story yet, but the headline reads: “As Wedding Approaches, Brad Humiliates Angelina. His love letters to another woman exposed.” The wedding date has not been set, so it’s redundant to […]
April 25, 2012 by Hollywoodite
In short, no, Katie Holmes is not pregnant again. This week’s Star Magazine contains the usual vague wording, without coming right out and declaring someone pregnant. This cover story is light on the words “pregnant,” and “expecting,” because Holmes is not. Reading the story, it merely alludes to being excited to become pregnant in the future, […]
April 18, 2012 by Hollywoodite
It could have been blithely assumed that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s engagement would have been the featured cover story for most of the major tabloids. If only because it was an easy sell. The magazines could have taken a break from fabricating wedding plans to writing about real ones. At least, that’s what OK! Magazine […]
April 11, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Somehow missing the opportunity to comment on Miley Cyrus’ implosion, which would have been a slam-dunk for Star Magazine in particular, two tabloids put Jennifer Aniston on their covers this week. Star is more overt, literally claiming that Aniston miscarried but has since made plans for a wedding and pregnancy. Its cover reads: “Jen Pregnant […]
April 5, 2012 by Hollywoodite
This week’s Star and this week’s Life & Style both allege that Kim Kardashian cheated on this husband too. If you recall, first husband Damon Thomas said Kardashian cheated on him; a fact confirmed by Ray J, who said Kardashian was cheating on Thomas while making the s3x tape (Amber Rose says Kardashian also cheated […]