Star Magazine

February 2, 2012 by Hollywoodite

The coverage of Demi Moore’s drug-addled breakdown has become tedious, if only because the listicle of narcotics she’s alleged to have taken is growing by the hour depending on whom you believe. Everyone’s sources are frantically telling all, as though anyone with insight wouldn’t have 1) helped her 2) spilled earlier. * People’s headline reads: […]

January 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This week’s Star cover is an odd work of Brangelia FanFic that STILL claims Angelina Jolie is pregnant and under-eating. Sister tabloid The National Enquirer, also owned by American Media Inc, first declared Jolie three-months pregnant early January. OK! Magazine claimed the same last week too. Star follows the same pregnancy story, by claiming that Jolie […]

January 19, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Nothing has ever not happened more than this. This week’s Star cover is another Brad Pitt/ Angelina Jolie/ Jennifer Aniston love-triangle, because it sells seven-years later and it’s a slow news week. Star claims Aniston is pregnant, just like OK! claims Jolie is pregnant (six-months, to Jolie’s supposed three-months). Neither is pregnant, so far as […]

January 12, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This week’s Star Magazine story, as already covered in part, is about Khloe Kardashian’s alleged paternity. More specifically, her two stepmothers, Robert Kardashian’s ex-wife and widow, Jan Ashley and Ellen Kardashian, from marriages subsequent to Kris Jenner, gave interviews claiming the reality star’s paternity was an open question because of Jenner’s affair(s). The cover has […]

January 5, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Oh dear. And you thought the Life & Style creative fiction MadLibs were bad. This week’s Star cover wins the 2012 creative fiction award, even though we’re only five-days into the New Year. The cover, in short, claims Angelina Jolie left Brad Pitt after learning about Jennifer Aniston requesting his sperm in 2005 only to, […]

December 21, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Oh dear. It’s being reported in the new issue of Star, which makes this its cover, that Kim Kardashian’s family is complicity co-signing the use of slave labour in the manufacture of their Klothing Kollection. Really though, this Star report makes the Kardashians its face since they’re not liked anyway and are easier targets to […]

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