Video: Grumpy Cat Visits Good Morning America

Grumpy Cat is the 11-month-old cat with feline dwarfism who originally went by “R*tard” or “T*rd” (changed to Tardar Sauce) when posted by the owner on last year.

The adorable cat quickly gained notoriety and exposure by spawning dozens of memes for her literal sourpuss. The cat is actually healthy and the owners claimed, when allowing people to pet her at SXSW, she’s only petted a few minutes at a time and lives an otherwise uneventful life. This is repeated on the cat’s website where it states, “99% of the time she is a normal kitty. She plays, hides, and acts as cats act. (She LOVES to hide behind the curtains!) She isn’t in front of a camera all of the time like many people perceive.”

The cat was a guest on Good Morning America and visited Times Square this morning.

She was pawed at some more, by more strangers, all while promoting her starring role in a cat food commercial.

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