Gwen Stefani Covers InStyle Magazine November 2011 – So Much Hot Pink

October 18, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Gwen Stefani was dragged kicking and screaming away from her beloved red lipstick for the cover of InStyle November 2011. Any drastic, attention-grabbing colour works on Stefani. But it’s almost weird to see her in a pink lip, rather than the red that she has to be buying in bulk from somewhere, considering that she admits in this interview it goes on whether she’s leaving the house that day or not.

This is such a pretty cover… this woman is 42! She’s looked the same for at least the last 10 years and she’s had the same body, despite having two kids. IMO, she really does look that good in real life. Aside from a smidge of airbrushing, this is how her skin/ hair/ make-up look in candids of her going to the grocery store. Ugh, stunning.

On her hair: “My hair color is L’Oreal, but I won’t reveal the number. And I do my roots as often as Marilyn Monroe did hers. I’m serious. I found out… You know, I was a redhead once. Right after we came home from the first No Doubt tour I felt like I might get recognized, so I colored my hair red. And I hated it.”

On her makeup routine: “The makeup goes on every day, even if I’m not going anywhere.”

On her eating habits: “I’m conscious of what I eat, but some days I cave and have cookies,” she says. “On fun nights with the family, my husband cooks amazing things and there will be carbs.”

On making time for her young sons: “The thing I’d like to do is enjoy these boys while they’re young, so I don’t regret I was working too much when they’re big and don’t want to cuddle with me anymore.”

On being a mother: “Being a mother is probably the most challenging thing I do.”

On her work-life balance: “At work I’ve learned how to delegate. You don’t have to be on a ladder in a warehouse, micromanaging. You can be at home. And teamwork is also such a big part of marriage and parenting.” – via InStyle.


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