Gwyneth Paltrow On Kim Kardashian: “We’re Supposed To Gain Weight When Pregnant”

April 5, 2013 by Hollywoodite

The tabloids have taken to fabricating estimates of Kim Kardashian’s weight, having decided she weighs “200 pounds” not the purported 140 pounds she claimed during a late night interview.

All the lower rung tabloids from Star to In Touch Weekly to Life & Style to National Enquirer have mocked Kardashian for daring to get pregnant at all and then for daring to eat when she’s hungry while pregnant. Moreover, they’re enlisting “sources” to give mocking anecdotes about Kardashian’s eating habits, “laziness,” “fatness,” and how she’s going to get a C-section as soon as possible to get it over with then get an alleged tummy tuck instead of working off the baby weight. It’s all becoming rather protracted and, if possible, even more cruel than when similar things were said about Jessica Simpson’s first pregnancy.

As such, celebrities like Helena Christensen have spoken out about Kardashian’s treatment while Kardashian herself stays relatively quiet. And now Oscar-winner Gwyneth Paltrow, with whom Kardashian shares personal trainer Tracy Anderson, has spoken out to defend the 32-year-old reality star.

The event was the opening of lean green actress Gwyneth Paltrow and world renowned trainer to the fitness gods, Tracy Anderson’s, new workout studio in Brentwood on April 4, but with a very pregnant Kim K on the red carpet, it wasn’t long before talk surrounding the reality star’s highly publicized pregnancy and the controversy about her weight gain and belly hugging fashion choices became the topic of discussion.

“I think that women should support each other, especially through pregnancy,” Gwyneth says. “It’s a difficult time and I think Kim Kardashian looks absolutely beautiful. And we’re supposed to gain weight when pregnant… that’s how God intended it.” – via ET Online.

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