Gwyneth Paltrow Thinks Silicone & Botox Are “Gimmicks,” Breast Corrections Are Okay

August 17, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Gwyneth Paltrow is being her usual delightful self in a new interview where she passive-aggressively belittles her peers and deigns to address plastic surgery. The whole interview’s nothing out of the ordinary, really. Not for her. All her interviews have been like this lately. She’s been coming across as sanctimonious and whiny; as though the interview itself, let alone the subject matter, is beneath her. She just seems bored and over it. And this interview from German OK! Magazine is no different. Paltrow’s asked some innocuous questions on plastic surgery and she gets weirdly preachy and indignant. Because even her views on surgery are better than yours.

Gwyneth Paltrow believes cosmetic surgery is “pure vanity”. Paltrow insists she wouldn’t use any “gimmicky” forms of surgery, but wouldn’t rule out having her breasts enhanced.

The 38-year-old beauty has kids Apple and Moses and says without surgery, her breasts will never be what they were before pregnancy. “Before I didn’t care about it. And I still refuse to use silicone, Botox or other of those gimmicks out of pure vanity. But a breast correction after breast feeding — why not? There’s actually nothing else to restore the original condition, isn’t there?” she laughed.

Paltrow is known for her intensive exercise regimes, including yoga. Although there aren’t always enough hours in the day to complete her thorough workout, she tries to fit in at least a few minutes a day. “I don’t have time to do real yoga sessions that last over 60 minutes,” she said. “But I meditate each day for at least five minutes.”

Paltrow claimed her intensive yoga session “ruined” her body for a period of time. The exercise diminished her curves, and her physique looked “boxy”. “Yes that was strange. I somehow lost my waist because of intense yoga training and became almost boxy,” she explained. “But with stretching and Pilates exercises I hit form again.” –  OK! Germany, Celebitchy.


The surgeries had by her peers, the fillers/ botox/ nips and tucks are all “gimmicks.” They’re not corrective too, despite a person’s ageing or other instances where surgery is more of a fix. It’s a gimmick that’s beneath her – even though there was talk of her getting work done, this year, when she hit the red carpet with a waxen/ plasticised cat face.

Okay, so a lot of teens/ 20-somethings are being ridiculous right now. But no part of inflating their T&A is going to inflate their talent. It’s a booster for the evident crummy self-esteem that propelled them to fame in the first place. So far as breastfeeding and needed a reduction… meh. She’s right, there’s no other easy way to return to one’s natural state. It’s a little weird that she lumped that in with talk of botox though, right?

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