Baby Surprise: Gypsy Sister Mellie Stanley Expecting Her First Child
The last we saw of Gypsy Sister and rebel Mellie Stanley, she was newly engaged to Robbie York and was planning her wedding. The self-appointed black sheep of the family, she has been known to cause older sister Nettie Stanley headaches with her out-of-control fights and outbursts, binge drinking, stripping, and legal troubles. But recently, the wild child has surprised the world by revealing she is pregnant with their first child. She has also stated that she is due to give birth in July.
In the last episode of Gypsy Sisters, during Mellie’s bachelorette road trip celebration, it was suspected by Laura and Kayla that the bride-to-be was constantly throwing up because she was pregnant. This allegation was denied by both Mellie and Nettie; stating it was due to stress and nerves from the upcoming wedding. Also to prove her point Mellie goes as far as taking a home pregnancy test, which does in fact give a negative result.
The wild child reality star, in an exclusive interview with said, “I did not believe I was pregnant. I took two tests that were negative, but I was throwing up everywhere all the time, so I finally went to the doctor who told me I was having a baby.” Although initially she wasn’t thrilled about the pregnancy, she says Robbie was overjoyed.
But will matrimony and motherhood be enough to transform the Rebel Gypsy Sister into a traditional Gypsy wife and mother? It seems that the transformation has begun, Mellie has given up drinking, stating, “I don’t miss drinking. My mother instincts are kicking up in me and I’m not going back to my being crazy. I don’t want to be a bad mama.” One bad habit she is struggling to give up is smoking, “I got really stressed and picked up that bad habit of smoking again, which I am trying to get rid of,” the expectant mother admits.
So it seems the Gypsy Sisters have another bling-ed out party to plan.