Gypsy Sisters: Mellie Stanley’s MySpace, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook Photos

January 22, 2013 by Hollywoodite

My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding has its own spin-off focusing on the family who already hogged all the screen time, because they spent the most time fighting, the Stanley sisters.

Featured on TLC’s upcoming Gypsy Sisters will be: Mellie, Laura, Nettie, and Kayla.

Mellie is the black sheep of the family: the twice-divorced stripper with anger management problems whose story has already been told to some extent on My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. But she and her sisters are getting a spin-off anyway, and it’s going to be more of the same: the girls explaining their culture, cooking and cleaning, getting dressed up, looking after their kids, and occasionally punching each other or yelling at each other. Same ol’.

Since the Martinsburg, West Virginia native is very active on social media and has hundreds of photos to choose from, some of her photos have been included below as taken from her Twitter, Instagram, MySpace, and Facebook accounts.

Her Twitter bio says: “The Name Is Mellie Stanley 23 Years Old. Works For TLC tv 2 Tv Shows Im In American Gypsy Wedding & The Stanley Sisters. Wanna Know More ASK ME.”

And, noting that she’s currently pregnant, her Instagram bio says: “Mellie Jeanette Stanley Age-23 Everything happens for a reason so don’t regret anything. Can’t wait to meet my Lil baby.”

Her TLC bio for Gypsy Sisters says: “Mellie is Nettie’s younger sister and is often dubbed the black sheep of the family. At 23 years old, Mellie is already twice divorced and hates the idea of settling down, being an obedient wife and having children. Her reputation as a stripper with a violent temper has earned her the town nickname “Hellie Mellie.” Nettie feels that Mellie has brought shame on the Stanley family name, but she follows in the footsteps of her notorious mother, Lottie Mae Stanley, a con artist featured on “America’s Most Wanted” now serving time in jail. Mellie was only 13 when her mother went to jail, so Nettie played a large role in raising Mellie, which only further complicates their already contentious relationship.”

Included below are photos from Mellie Stanley’s MySpace 2008 through 2009, her Twitter and Instagram, and her Facebook that is laden with bikini photos and perplexing poses for what appear to be amateur modelling photos.

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