June Shannon Mug Shot: Why Was Honey Boo Boo’s Mother Arrested In 2008?

August 30, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Toddlers & Tiaras spin-off Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’s breakout star Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson, six, is part of a family of felons. Unsurprisingly, if you watch more than a few minutes of the show. For example her mother, June “Mama” Shannon, 33, was arrested multiple times for crimes of varying degrees.

National Enquirer reports: “Honey Boo Boo’s mom June, 33, has also had run-ins with the law. Court records show she served time for cashing bad checks in 1998, and for stealing $3,300 from a safe in a McDon­ald’s she was managing in McDonough, GA in 2004, although those charges were later dismissed.”

In addition to the arrests and jail time between 1998 and 2004, Mama was also arrested January 3, 2008 for contempt of court and theft by taking (according to Henry County, Georgia court records those charges are related to Mama being the defendant in disputes over the “recovery of child support” for one of her older daughters, as in probably not Honey Boo Boo).

The matriarch addressed the 2008 arrest and the girls’ paternity on her Facebook page before deleting it: “yes I was arrested in.2008 over a contempt of court over a child case with one of girls and a theft charges that was DISMISSED the same day …second no sugarbear ain’t all the girls father he is only alanas …third yes CPS was in my life in march over the go go juice and a concert/bar appearance it happened one time and only one time would NEVER do it again but i made that decision b4 CPS came we went to court and the judge seen im NOT a bad person and there was NO abuse it was the WORST 4 days of my life and it was dismissed…and finally I have NEVER made fun of kaitlyns extra thumb on the right hand we have embraced it.”

Included is Mama June’s mug shot photo from the 2008 arrest in Henry County, GA.

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