Life & Style: Khloe Kardashian Dropped 25 Pounds “I’m The Hot Sister Now”

April 3, 2013 by Hollywoodite

This cover of Life & Style is another passive-aggressive swipe at Kim Kardashian for daring to get pregnant and for daring to eat while pregnant. Instead of just talking about Khloe Kardashian’s transformation of the past few weeks, Life & Style is making it sound as though the sisters are competing over who’s thinner.

The cover says “Khloe Dropped 25 Pounds. I’m the hot sister now! After years of feeling like the ugly duckling, Khloe finally enjoys being the sexiest Kardashian; driving a scared and jealous Kim to binge-eat. Khloe’s delicious diet foods and oh-so-easy flat stomach trick. (Pregnant Kim’s piled on 65 lbs).”

Incidentally, Kim hasn’t gained “65 lbs,” she’s gained only 20 so far.

“Everything in moderation,” Khloé, who also trusts trainer Gunnar Peterson to get her into shape, tells Life & Style. “Right now, I try to go on hikes or something. I work out at least four to five days a week.”

And it’s definitely paying off. Nutritional therapist Elena Michaels estimates that the younger sister of Kourtney and Kim Kardashian has shed 25 pounds in five months.

Khloé, who’s admitted to being bullied as a child for her looks, absolutely loves her new figure.

“When I was a chunky little 8-year-old and I had these two beautiful sisters [Kim and Kourtney], I’d wonder, why don’t I look like that?” she recalls to Life & Style. “I hate it when people compare me to my sisters…I will never look like them.”

Now, she doesn’t need to — and with a set schedule, it’s made getting fit that much easier.

“Since I have had time in LA — meaning no X Factor and no traveling to Miami every week [to film Kourtney & Kim Take Miami] — I have had time to stick to a workout,” she tells Life & Style. And her trainer Gunnar is happy with the results. “Khloé looks her best to date,” he raves to Life & Style, “and I’m sure she’ll be even better as time goes on.” – via Life & Style.

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