People Magazine Cover: How Did Paula Deen “Lose 30 Pounds”?

June 27, 2012 by Hollywoodite

For the least interesting People Magazine cover in a while (hey, at least it’s another exclusive and it’s not a reality star) Paula Deen reveals how she lost “30 pounds.” In short, Deen, 65, changed her diet from “just like that, but with butter” to “no butter for me, thanks” after learning she had Type 2 “diabeetus.”

Paula Deen knew it was time for a change.

Nearly six months after announcing she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, the Food Network star, 65, opened up her Savannah home, and fridge, to People, and revealed how she devised a slim-down strategy that has worked for her.

“I do think differently now” about food, Deen says in this week’s cover story. “I’m more aware.”

So instead of regular meals with her favorite trigger foods (so long, mashed potatoes), the Southern chef has developed a new-found love for Greek salads and baked fish.

Her focus has paid off: So far, she’s dropped 30 lbs… and counting.

“It took me a couple of years to get to this point,” says Deen, who learned she had diabetes almost three years ago and faced harsh criticism when she finally announced her diagnosis in January. “If you make a few small changes, they can add up to big results.” – via People Magazine.


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