In Touch Weekly Cover: Kardashian Sisters Destroyed By Greed?

November 9, 2011 by Hollywoodite

In Touch Weekly throws all the sisters under the bus. This week’s headline is “America’s Fakest Family! Destroyed By Greed.” It’s in line with the L&S story about a backlash, except ITW blames the whole family for their current bad publicity, not just Kim Kardashian. has some more details from this week’s cover story. Apparently, there’s some internal fighting and the united front is just for show.

The Kardashians are about to hold a “series of crisis meetings,” over Kim Kardashian‘s choice to file for divorce on Oct. 31 after just 72 days of marriage to Kris Humphries.

“The family has split into two camps since the divorce;  Kim and her mom versus the rest of the family, who are really angry at her,” [says] an insider. “Encouraged by her mom, Kris, Kim has become a fame-addicted, money-hungry monster. She has lost touch with reality.”

A source reveals that Khloe is “seething” over Kim’s actions. And, while in Australia, the sisters got into a battle in a bathroom. “Khloe was mad because Kim was trying to look sad [about her divorce],” describes onlooker Hannah Smith. “She was telling Kim that people would see right through it, and Kim was only making things worse.”

Kim and Khloe got so nasty to each other that they were “swearing at each other.” Kim stormed out of the room after getting totally worked up. Then at the airport when Kim, Khloe and Lamar were heading home from Australia, Khloe and Lamar ignored Kim as she tried to wheel her luggage. “It was as if they didn’t even know her,” notes a witness.

Kim’s grandmother Mary Jo, Kris Jenner’s mom, even wants Kim to take a two year break from reality TV, a source told “She has been urging Kim to do this ever since she filed for divorce from Kris,” said the source.” She thinks reality TV is destroying her life!”

Kim’s family must be so disgusted with her that they are just trying to completely forget about Kim for the time being. She was a no-show to Lamar’s birthday party on Oct. 7 and another source told us that the Kardashians didn’t discuss Kim’s divorce “at all.”

So what’s going to happen to the Kardashians? Kim and her family have to do “damage control” so that they don’t lose everything. “Divorcing Kris so soon after such an expensive wedding, done in front of TV cameras, could well be the kiss of death for the whole family’s career,” explains the insider. – via In Touch Weekly, HollywoodLife.

The drama also covers this week’s L&S and Star Magazine. L&S were more forgiving since they’ve paid the sisters for plenty of bikini covers and lifestyle exclusives over the years and, if/when this blows over, they probably want that to continue. Star fabricated some weird story about Kardashian, making it sound like she was in rehab when she was not. But, conflicting reports do suggest that the 31-year-old may be having issues with sleep and food and she’s become depressed about the self-induced negative press.


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