Jenelle Evans’ BF Slammed By Gym Where He Claimed To Train

Jenelle Evans’ boyfriend Nathan Griffith took part in his first MMA fight over the weekend and after losing to his opponent, has caused quite the stir in the MMA community. It all started when the Teen Mom 2 star told fans that her man was training at Relson Gracie Myrtle Beach. Although he did visit the gym twice, the owner Phil Gizzi wants absolutely no ties to Nathan — or to his training.

After feuding with the pair online, Phil took to his website where he posted an open letter to Jenelle and Nathan, letting them know that he does not want his name in their mouth — especially when it comes to Nathan’s MMA skill set.

In the letter, Phil began by chronicling the time he spent with Nathan.

“A few days ago you walked into my gym for the first time. When I watched you attempt to work with the guys we had on the mat it was PAINFULLY obvious to ALL of us that you have never received a moment of real instruction in your life. At best you had a few days of MCMAP. (and didn’t learn much) You were sadly out of shape, and had NO visible skills common to someone who has trained MMA before,” Phil wrote. “I can say without hesitation that there is ZERO chance you have ever fought in a sanctioned match before, and a simple online search proves this. DO NOT bulls**t me with talk of ‘underground fights’ or unsanctioned matches in secret locations. It is a FACT that you have never fought or trained before. You are not ‘getting back into it’… you have never done it.”

Weeks ago, just as Nathan was opting to begin his journey to becoming an MMA fighter, he told fans that he had fought many times before, even claiming to have put one particular man in the hospital.

“When I rolled with you it was so painfully obvious that you have ZERO experience on the ground… and ZERO conditioning,” Phil continued. “I can ASSURE you I took it very very very easy on you. If you doubt this… come back. I will without hesitation show you just how bad you are.”

“On one other occasion you came in. You showed up late for a advanced class, jumped on the mat without any show of respect to the class or instructor, and tried to spar hard,” Phil stated. “EVERY person that worked with you tried to be helpful, and because of both your lack of experience, and your personality… they finally decided to turn it up a bit. Please listen to this next part carefully… with 1 exception, all of them where amateur fighters… and if they wanted to end your life that day on the mat, every one could of done it with complete ease. This is not an insult… it is what happens when a person who does not train try’s to be a fighter. On both occasions in our gym you were told you SHOULD NOT fight… that you need a t least 1 year of hard work, skill training, and preparation. You told us you were ‘hard headed’ and even told me that it cant be as bad as combat in Afghanistan.”

Following his two visits to Phil’s gym, Nathan took to the ring where he lost his first official MMA match — and badly according to reports. Still, Jenelle claimed told fans he did great, despite the loss, and that he had even been approached to coach. ”Look I kno Nathan didn’t win but he did damn well good for me and im really proud,” she wrote. “He has a lot of opportunities like camps and coaching.”

In response to Nathan’s weekend fight, Phil said, “I have seen FEW people look worse. Anyone who has ever trained or in any way been around the sport knows that you looked like S**T. It is amazing that you were not hurt or seriously injured. [Jenelle] can be all proud if she wants… but those of us in the sport, are ashamed and saddened by your pathetic display.”

As for why Phil is so furious at being dragged into the drama surrounding Nathan’s fight, he explains, “[Jenelle] has almost 1 million twitter followers. She told 822,000 people that you ‘train at Relson Gracie Myrtle Beach. 822,000 people now look at you and think you are representative of what we at this gym are.”

Also with his open letter, Phil posted the video below of Nathan doing his best to keep up with the fighters who train at Relson Gracie.

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