Jenelle Evans Posts Video Footage Of Her Husband’s Alleged Drug Use

October 3, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Jenelle Evans and her husband Courtland Rogers tied the knot in December of last year after dating for just three months and as fans anticipated, they broke up just over one month later. The split was messy. Jenelle accused Courtland of beating her and Courtland claimed that she had cheated and faked a miscarriage. Still, they gave their marriage another shot just months later. Then, in April, the two were arrested for heroin possession and assault and ended their relationship.

Since then, Courtland spent several months behind bars before being released weeks ago. After returning home, Courtland told fans that he intended to turn his life around by getting sober and spending more time with his young daughter Jordan which he seemed to have done — at least until this morning.

For the last few days, Twitter has been buzzing about a set of videos which would allegedly prove that Courtland has been lying about his sobriety and earlier today, Jenelle posted these videos to her YouTube account.

Below are the four videos of Courtland’s alleged drug use along with the caption written by Jenelle underneath each one:

“Courtland is scraping up a line on a CD case in Taylor’s car. He was using last week before they broke up. The drug he’s doing is infact heroin. In the video he offers Taylor some heroin and says he was trying to be ‘polite.’”

In this video Courtland is discussing about buying/selling pills and heroin bags. You have to listen really closely to hear it good.

“Courtland discusses with Taylor in this video that he doesn’t trust her and that she is going to tell me everything. Taylor then begs for him to be on suboxone at least and he said ‘Well I’m going to do one more bag tomorrow.’”

“Courtland in this video is one again lining up some heroin on a CD case in Taylor’s car. This video is really quick but if you look at the left side of the screen you will see him using a card of some sort to scrap up the drugs into a line.”

Following the release of the videos, Courtland has remained silent and our request for a comment has gone unanswered. However, after hearing about the possibility of a video release last night, Courtland had the following message for fans:

“I am and have been sober for 5 and a half months now lol who cares what JE lies about or what anyone says there’s way more to the story. I haven’t touched a drug in 165 days …. And I pass my drug test which are given randomly but I don’t have to explain myself to anyone!!! So thank u for the ones that still believe in me…. There’s more to that “video” story than anyone knows about soooooo quit hating on me!! And for the ones that doubt me…. How would I not b in jail of I was getting high smh probation in NC doesn’t play that **** ask about it.”

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