Jeremy Renner: The Kardashians Are “Ridiculous, Stupid People” With “Zero Talent”

August 13, 2012 by Hollywoodite

It appears to be “S**t On The Kardashians Day,” with 50 Cent mocking Kim Kardashian as “one man’s trash” but “another man’s treasure.” And the 31-year-old’s New York Magazine profile, for which the cover says “Does Kim Kardashian Belong On The Cover Of A Fashion Magazine?” is really just seven-pages excoriating her for lacking credibility.

And now here’s Jeremy Renner, on the heels of Jon Hamm, Johah Hill, and Daniel Craig, complaining that the family are worthless famewhores. Asked by The Guardian newspaper about the Kardashians, Renner replied: “Oh, all those ridiculous people with zero talent who spend their lives making sure everyone knows their name. Those stupid, stupid people.”

Renner explains, his resentment is because he worked his way up: “One minute I’m homeless. The next I’m still homeless, but I’m in a tuxedo, on my way to the Oscars, stopping at a coffee shop to brush my teeth because I don’t have running water. The next minute Jack Nicholson, someone I’ve admired my entire life, is right in front of me saying my name. Then he’s saying the names of two movies I did and I’m like, ‘Jesus, all I wanted to do was be in a movie that would play in a big enough theater that my family would get to see it. And now this.’ What can I say? It’s weird. I know it’s a cliche but I never wanted to be famous. I don’t believe anybody wants to be famous.”

Included is the shoot for New York Magazine, who appear to feel the same way about the family.


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