Us Weekly: Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake Engagement & Cheating Drama

January 12, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Us Weekly claimed the exclusive on Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake’s engagement, despite the world reporting it verbatim two weeks earlier. They have/ had no insight into the relationship and this week is no different.

Notice that, last week, despite falsely-claiming the exclusive, the engagement did NOT make the cover. However, this week, when the news is stale, it makes the cover. Also, since there has never been any compelling reason to think Timberlake ever cheated, it’s reasonable to deduce he has been 100% faithful and any philandering is the work of Us Weekly’s creative FanFic department.

Really, almost all the Timberlake/ Random hook-ups came from the pages of Us Weekly and all were positing based on secondhand accounts of him spending time with female friends. Then there’s the fabricated ultimatum that never happened: it makes good gossip, but it’s reasonable to conclude that was a lie too. There was no cheating. There was no ultimatum from Biel about said cheating. There.

That’s not stopping Us Weekly creating drama on a slow news week. This week’s cover reads: “Do Cheaters Ever Change: Can she trust Justin? It took a bitter break-up and Jessica’s ultimatum before Timberlake finally proposed. Now her friends are worried he’ll break her heart.”


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