Life & Style Cover Fakes Jessica Simpson Postpartum Weight Reveal & Weight Loss Story

September 5, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Jessica Simpson covers Life & Style Magazine this week. The cover says: “Body Reveal. Jessica loses 40 lbs in four months. I Did It! Her no-starve diet; Her easy workout; Her secret trick to melt the pounds.”

If this sounds familiar, it’s because OK! Magazine pulled this trick already with a fabricated postpartum body reveal and a fabricated weight loss story. If the cover photo looks familiar, it’s because OK! also used a file photo of Simpson at a Macy’s event in September 2008 wearing a Herve Leger dress (for which the colour had been Photoshopped).

It’s three months later and Life & Style seems to be implying, with misleading photos and nebulous headlines, that they’ve landed Simpson’s big reveal. They haven’t.

Life & Style has learned that the new mom has lost 40 pounds of pregnancy weight in just four months thanks to breast-feeding, marathon gym sessions and a personalized, no-starve Weight Watchers plan.

“Jess has been doing a lot of work on herself,” an insider tells Life & Style. “And she’ll gradually be showing her weight loss through Weight Watchers commercials over the next few months.”

In fact, the singer and fashion mogul filmed her first commercial for the weight-loss company on Aug. 16. “She has met all her Weight Watchers goals and is overjoyed,” a friend tells Life & Style. “She’s so proud of herself.” – via Life & Style Magazine.

For what it’s worth, Simpson has reportedly been sequestered away from the paparazzi lens so as to build anticipation for the real reveal on Katie Couric’s new show, Katie, on September 10. In addition to the televised interview, Simpson will appear in Weight Watchers adverts starting next week.

USA Today is the only outlet with accurate information on Simpson this week. Here’s a story from that does not mention Simpson’s total postpartum weight loss because that has not been revealed yet.

Jessica Simpson knows exactly why she gained the weight she did while pregnant with her daughter Maxwell Drew.

“I let myself indulge in everything I wanted because it was the first time I was ever pregnant, and I wanted to enjoy it,” Simpson, 32, tells USA Today.

That included eating one of her faves, macaroni and cheese. But Simpson didn’t quite understand how the indulgence would affect her post-baby body. “I didn’t realize [the weight] didn’t all come off with the baby,” says Simpson.

She’s now given up many of those foods, however, while doing Weight Watchers as the company’s newest spokeswoman – she appears in the ads next week.

She hasn’t revealed her current weight, nor what she weighed at her heaviest, but says she’s lost weight each week on the program.

She also works out with personal trainer (and blogger) Harley Pasternak four or five times a week, mostly walking now, says Simpson, because, “my boobs are way too big to run at this point.”

Numbers aside, the star seems realistic. “My body is not bouncing back like a supermodel,” says Simpson. “I’m just your everyday woman who is trying to feel good and be healthy for her daughter, her fiancé and herself.”

Simpson, who is engaged to former NFL player Eric Johnson, will reveal her post-baby body on Katie Couric’s new show, Katie, on Sept. 10. – via People Magazine.


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