Random Doctor Declares Jessica Simpson Six-Months Pregnant

October 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

A doctor who has never treated the 31-year-old and is evaluating her pregnancy using paparazzi photos, the way any good glorified Web-MD would, says Jessica Simpson is six-months pregnant.

Anyone looking at Simpson over the last few weeks would have been able to guess her trimester. She looks out of the first, and well into the second. More specifically, the doctor says she’s expecting early 2012 and she’s carrying so obviously because of her frame…

[A]n OBGYN exclusively revealed to RadarOnline.com that in their opinion Jessica is around six months pregnant, meaning her and fiancé Eric Johnson could be welcoming their first child in early 2012.

“She looks to be 26 weeks, which is around six months,” Boston-based OBGYN Dr. Dave David told RadarOnline.com.

“It is definitely a pregnancy and not weight gain,” [speculated] Dr. David, who has not treated the star. “You can by the shape of her abdomen, her belly wouldn’t be that rounded if it was just fat.”

“She is short so the bump looks bigger because it has no where to go but out,” explained Dr. David.

Fans are eager for Simpson to fess-up to the good news, and the OBGYN said it is common for couples to wait a few months to announce they are expecting, although not usually this long.

“Couples often wait for a few months before they announce it in case anything goes wrong,” he explained. “Once they see the heart-beat on the ultrasound after the first trimester then they usually let people know.”

Simpson was hoping to secure a large payday from a magazine before going public with the news, but it seems there’s been no takers, as RadarOnline.com previously reported. A top PR expert told RadarOnline.com that Jess just does not have the “star power” to secure the $500,000 payday that she was looking for. – via RadarOnline.

Ignoring the unnecessary use of the word “fat” talking about the body of a pregnant woman, it’s further speculated Simpsons stopped hiding her pregnancy because her last serious boyfriend before fiance Eric Johnson, Tony Romo, is expecting with his wife. The day the news was announced, Simpson was walking around NYC in spandex stroking her bump.

Oh, and the star-power thing. Another so-called expert says Simpson’s $500,000 baby shill was low on takers because her star’s on the wane.

“The issue with Jessica Simpson maybe is that she simply hasn’t been ‘hot’ lately in terms of relevant, big celebrity occurrences,” President and CEO of 5WPR, Ronn Torossian, told RadarOnline.com in an exclusive interview.

“No big movie, hit album or A-list happening, and even though she’s an A-list celebrity…in this economy, media needs to know for $500,000 that something is a sure bet — and Simpson simply may not be seen as that today.” – via RadarOnline.


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