Jessica Simpson: “No One’s Guessed My Wedding Date; I’m Happy With My Weight”

July 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Jessica Simpson has given a new interview in which she’s asked for updates on her wedding and her weight. They’re the only things people want to know about, right? Girls demand to know how many sparkles will be used in the wedding and how puffy and gaudy will be the dress and wedding decor. We’re GIRLS! Make-up and stickers and ponies and… and out-dated Family Guy references.

Simpson has been in the media lately about her weight. Or, more specifically, about how she reportedly cannot keep weight off because she’s getting older. Older being 30. Which is, like, totes old.

Well, asked by Access Hollywood about her current weight, Simpson said she didn’t care about criticism and she was happy living her life. Asked about her wedding date, she’s happily-smug in that no one’s guessed it yet. So, that would mean the speculated date in November would be wrong.

It’s good that the constant reports about her every mouthful/ pound aren’t bothering her. And she must have done a great job with gag orders on everyone involved in the wedding if the date really hasn’t leaked yet. And, maybe, wedding invites didn’t go out… or they left without a venue or date with more information to follow. That’s supposition, because that’s how dates usually leak; when some thirsty, tacky guest sells their invitation to the press, as did one of Lily Allen’s wedding guests behind her back to The Sun newspaper.

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