Justin Bieber Alleged Baby Covers Star: Does He Have A Kid?

November 2, 2011 by Hollywoodite

A random 20-year-old woman named Mariah Yeater claims she took the virginity of Justin Bieber in a bathroom after making her way backstage at his Los Angeles concert October 25, 2010.

Yeater has a three-month old baby boy, named Tristyn Anthony Markhouse Yeater, born July 6, who’ll probably inherit a talent for writing creative Belieber fan fiction when he’s older. The woman filed on October 31, 2011 and it’s this week’s Star cover. The cover also has a photo of Bieber’s alleged son. Although a photo of a baby’s existence proves nothing.

Yeater claims that Bieber propositioned her on October 25 2010, when she was 19 and he was 16. She agreed and she claims they had sex backstage, following his performance at L.A.’s Staples Center. He reportedly said, ”he would give me his phone number after we had sex and told me he wanted me to be at his future concerts too and he would give me backstage passes,” in order to keep her sweet.

She got knocked-up and claims he’s the only possible father. She’s suing for a paternity test and financial support.

She wants Bieber to “undergo a paternity test to scientifically confirm that he is in fact that father of my baby” and “provide adequate support for my baby.”

Mariah also told the court: “After walking away from the other people backstage, Justin Bieber found a place where we could be alone… a bathroom.”

“We went inside and immediately his personality changed drastically. He began touching me and repeatedly said he wanted to f**k the s**t out of me. At the time I asked him to put a condom for protection, but he insisted that he did not want to. In his own words, he said that because it was his first time he wanted to feel everything.” Justin then “quickly took off my clothes,” she said, and the pair had sex.

Yeater wrote in her court declaration: “He was on top of me with my legs around him. At the time I was on top of some type of shelf. The sexual intercourse itself was brief, lasting only approximately 30 seconds.”

“…he was clearly embarrassed about how the sex did not last very long. He immediately put on his clothes and blew me off when I asked about seeing him again. I asked him for his private phone number, but he insisted on taking my phone number. We had no paper or anything to write it down on, and Justin Bieber was clearly not interested in getting his cell phone or any paper. He said he would just remember the number, which I told him.”

Yeater told the court: “When I later realized I was pregnant with Justin Bieber’s baby, I tried to contact him through his representatives but no one ever called me back… On July 6, 2011, I gave birth to a baby boy. That was exactly 36 weeks and two days after the sexual encounter with Justin Bieber. Based upon the timing as well as the fact there were no other possible men that I had sex with that could be the father of this baby, I believe that Justin Bieber is in fact the father of my baby.”  – all quotes via RadarOnline.

Bieber is denying ever meeting the woman. His rep is issuing denials about the “completely made up” story: “While we haven’t yet seen the lawsuit, it’s sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations.”

According to RadarOnline.com, Bieber’s reps refuse to confirm whether he’s taken a DNA test. Moreover, assert his reps, he couldn’t have lost his virginity backstage because he’s never alone with female fans.

There’ll be a hearing in December.

Bieber just tweeted, “Im going to ignore the rumors…and focus on what is real. an opportunity to help by doing what i love. Judge me on the music! Love yall!”

** UPDATE: A larger, clearer Star cover has been added to the right.


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