Justin Bieber To GQ Magazine: “You Can’t Trust Anyone In This Business”

May 18, 2012 by Hollywoodite

A slightly jaded Justin Bieber has a feature in the June 2012 issue of GQ Magazine (for which Michael Fassbender covers).

It’s an interesting shoot, fashion-wise. They’re really starting to edge-out his style, as he does the same with his music. Which, he says, is flawless since he’s “never made a bad song.” Okay then. And it’s a fun shoot. Predictable, and on-type. But it’s still good.

And the interview’s… interesting. Including the oddly-shoehorned aside about drinking a beer that’s being blown out of proportion today. And including the hilarious aside in which he attempts to defend Kim Kardashian’s career and work ethic while reaching desperately for what she really does for a living: she does “stuff.” Again, noted. And he’s jaded, after what sounds like being screwed over a bunch already.

On not getting drunk: “For me, it’s just like, I like to be in control of myself. I mean, I’ve had a beer, like, before…. But I never get out of control.”

On the darker side of fame: “I mean, I keep my guard up a lot, because you know, you can’t trust anyone in this business. That’s what’s sad. You can’t trust anybody. I learned the hard way.”

He loves his new car: He is euphoric. So much so that he has decided to pledge his loyalty to West Coast Customs forever and to decry its rival, Platinum Motorsport. “F**k Platinum. Platinum can suck a d**k, man. West Coast all day.”

On his maturity: “I’m 18 years old and I’m a swaggy adult!” he yells. “Come on, swaggy bros!”

On his music: Bieber himself puts it to me, with casual bravado: “I’ve never made a bad song.”

On Kim Kardashian: “You guys are so mean, bro…. People say she doesn’t do anything; she actually does do stuff…. She works hard.” – via GQ Magazine.


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