Why Did Kanye West Look So Miserable At Kim Kardashian’s Baby Shower?
June 5, 2013 by Hollywoodite
Back when Kim Kardashian got married to her second husband in a televised wedding for money and ratings it was speculated that she turned away friends and family on both sides so she could fill seats—so many seats it became unsafe and they had to cut even more people—with random celebrities including strangers and famous former friends she hadn’t spoken to in years.
Similarly, it’s being claimed that in favour of close friends Kardashian basically did the same thing again; packing her baby shower with famous strangers who looked the part and made her reality show more entertaining since it’s being filmed for E!
Yesterday, it was claimed that Kanye West was bored, sullen and miserable at the baby shower.
He reportedly arrived really late, left really early, and ducked the E! cameras the whole time. ”Kanye arrived as many of the guests were leaving,” a source told RadarOnline. “You could tell Kim was wondering where he was. The singer didn’t look happy to be there [and] dodged cameras that were shooting for Kim’s reality show… Whereas Kim was extremely gracious to all of her guests, and made it a point to spend time talking to them, Kanye looked like he had been sucking on lemons. Several of Kim’s friends felt sorry for her because Kanye just couldn’t put a genuine smile on his face.”
Moreover, today, another source says West doesn’t like Kardashian’s real friends and especially didn’t want to be around the random d-listers at her baby shower.
“He probably wasn’t in the mood to be around all Kim’s friends, all the ‘quote [un]quote’ celebrities, and all those women,” the source explains as the reason Kanye wasn’t excited to be at the shower.
The source adds that the shower “just ain’t his scene. He ain’t trying to hobnob with a bunch of people, especially people [he] doesn’t even know. But he would never let Kim down so he showed up.”
Although Kanye wasn’t too excited about hanging out with all of Kim’s friends, a source [says] that Kanye was super attentive to Kim during the shower.
“Once inside, everyone got to see how loving and doting he was towards Kim. They opened gifts together and there was lots of laughter and Kanye whispering sweet things to Kim,” the source reveals.”The shower was a big celebration of love for them and a celebration of the next chapter of their lives together with the new baby.” – via Hollywood Life.