Kardashians Slammed As Anti-American For Using Chinese Labour

December 22, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Oh dear, this story is being used so a few people can soapbox their worries about the state of the American economy.

The Kardashians have been accused of using Chinese slave labour, by Star Magazine, even though the person quoted in the interview later told TMZ Live he was taken out of context, there’s no proof, and he warned Star to sit on the story until his investigation was completed. So… the story may have been inaccurate, premature and unfair. Maybe.

That hasn’t stopped a few people using this as a chance to trumpet American manufacturing.

A United States Congressman, California representative Dana Rohrabacher, told RadarOnline.com in a statement: “It is very sad that anybody who is already making millions of dollars thinks they have to go to China to have work done in substandard labor conditions where people are paid a pittance and have no right to organize a union. By going to China in order to make a $65 million profit instead of a $10 million profit you are effectively thumbing your nose at the American people. They don’t give a damn about the American people… They are denying their fellow Americans honest jobs here. They only care about making extra millions on top of the money they’re already raking in.”

A representative from American Manufacturing  said they were “disappointed” in the use of Chinese labour, instead of American.

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