Life & Style Follows Up Kate Middleton “Dramatic Delivery” Lie With “New Mom Diary” Lie
July 10, 2013 by Hollywoodite
Previously, Life & Style rustled the jimmies of its own readers (judging by the comments on its Facebook) by lying about Kate Middleton’s “dramatic delivery” back in June. She’s still pregnant. So it was some nonsense story that’s basically the “dramatic delivery” boilerplate all the tabloids are guilty of using but with a “find & replace” done on Middleton in place of Kim Kardashian or Jessica Simpson.
This week, and by all accounts she’s still pregnant, the tabloid has followed this up with another series of fabrications about her “life as a new mom.” A life that hasn’t started yet since she’s not due for at least a few more days (it looks like they bet on her giving birth by the time they finished composing this FanFic, but they were wrong).
The cover says “Kate’s New Mom Diary. Her last-minute delivery room drama; Inside the royal nursery; Prince William’s excited for late night feedings and diaper changes. Kate’s family tells all.”
And here’s a teaser for the story: Diaper duty, late-night feedings and plenty of bonding time! Discover what the next heir to the throne’s first week will be like with Mom, Kate Middleton, and Dad, Prince William. From when the name will be announced to where the baby will sleep, Life & Style has all the gotta-know details!