Kate Upton Covers GQ Magazine July 2012 Photographed By Terry Richardson

June 20, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Kate Upton covers GQ Magazine July 2012 for which she’s photographed by Terry Richardson. At a guess, this is probably the photo shoot during which she also wore her Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue bikini and danced to the “Cat Daddy” as Richardson briefed his video editor to “add slow motion.”

This interview is what we’ve come to expect from Upton: a focus on her simple upbringing and somewhat tomboyish pass times, while playing up a whimsical (if overt) sexuality. It’s drawing some ire, today, from commenters (for example on Jezebel.com) calling the 20-year-old model “cynical” or worse for supposedly contrived quotes pandering to her young male fanbase. Eh, it’s clearly shtick but it’s harmless. And if guys fall for it that means marketing-wise she’s doing something right. She gets her audience.

On this shoot: “For the GQ photo shoot, we were on that ride where the seat spins while the actual ride is spinning, and I’m wearing a one-piece. And all of a sudden the whole entire top falls off! I’m holding myself, laughing, turning bright red, but a lot of people are watching, so they kicked us out of the Santa Monica Pier. It was so embarrassing. You wouldn’t think that would happen with a one-piece!”

On getting heat for The Three Stooges nun-kini cameo: “I can see why the Catholic Church would be upset with me. But it was just for fun, and I try not to take it more seriously than that.”

On guys who follow her on Twitter: “I grew up in Florida riding horses, so for the majority of my life I was either in boots and jeans or a bathing suit. I understand why my male followers like me.”

On risque shoots like this one: “It’s like any job. You find your strengths and play them up.”

On why she choose such vanilla tattoos (a horseshoe on her wrist and a small cross on the inside of her finger): “You have to think hard with a tattoo. What will I love for the rest of my life?” – via GQ Magazine.


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