Us Weekly: Katie Holmes Takes Control Of Her Life & Suri Cruise’s Life

July 18, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Us Weekly Magazine is the only overtly pro-Holmes tabloid cover this week, with a story about how Katie Holmes is making positive changes in her life and the life of her daughter for their joint betterment. It’s a cover with a smiley looking Holmes and daughter, with Tom Cruise inset; counter to the other covers this week, showing the 50-year-old actor looking dour, pained, and thin while his story is pushed to the forefront.

Us Weekly’s story picks up, in short, where other tabloids left off last week: Suri Cruise has been enrolled in Catholic school, and a local Catholic church, she’s making friends her own age in her apartment building, she’s going to gymnastics classes, and she looks happier. The point here being, there was marital contention that her father spoiled the girl, never disciplining her, indulging her, and treating her like an adult because, in Scientology, the idea of childhood/ children is moot because they’re literally “old souls.” But Holmes wants her daughter treated like any other non-Sci of the same age.

The cover says: “Katie Takes Control. A new school, stricter rules, a chance to make friends; how Katie’s fighting to give Suri a normal childhood. What Katie told her about Tom and the divorce.”


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