Kelly Clarkson Tweets Her Opinions: Mean Spirited or Just Being Honest?

August 29, 2013 by Natalie Nicole

Kelly Clarkson has been revealing a mouthful on her Twitter feed lately. From clarifications to bashing to praise, we can always tell what Kelly is thinking by her honest tweets.

It all started when the press found out she decided to elope rather than continue hectic wedding plans. Rumors that she was pregnant were running rampant. She battled false claims by tweeting, “FYI ….Brandon & I are getting married & no I am not pregnant. We are eloping for one reason only. We both want an intimate ceremony.” Thanks for straightening that out!

Next, she started tweeting her opinions about the VMAs. “Just saw a couple performances from the VMA’s last night. 2 words…. #pitchystrippers.” Although she earlier claimed that she was “digging” Lady Gaga’s new single Applause, we can assume that she was referring to Gaga and Miley Cyrus’ performances. Both stars stripped down to nearly nothing: Lady Gaga wearing a thong and Miley sporting some cheeky spandex shorts.

But Kelly is not always so negative! She changed her attitude when praising Selena Gomez. Kelly said: ”Dear Selena Gomez, you are by far one of the most beautiful, sexy, classy things on this planet #Goddidgood #texasgirls.” Looks like Selena got the ultimate thumbs up.

You may wonder “Who is Kelly to judge?” Well, she has suffered her share of criticism on American Idol. Kelly has also been to her share of award ceremonies, performances, and concerts. Although her appearances may have been less talked about or shocking, she still manages to repeatedly please fans… fully clothed. Stay classy, Kelly!

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