Kendall Jenner Isn’t Getting Covers Yet, Lands Lovecat Photo Shoot

December 13, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kendall Jenner is probably not important enough as a brand to be landing covers right now, since her celebrity is based on the waning popularity of a pr0n star sibling and a diluted reality franchise in which she’s a bit-player. But, she is a working model, despite not really having the bone structure. She’s tall, she’s thin, she’s pretty. However, that’s not enough to be a model. The camera has to love you, and you it; you have to have interesting angles, you have to have the right bone structure; you have to be special. Being the sibling of a celebrity inherently gives you none of those things (same goes for Ali Lohan, although at least she has the cheek bones).

Well, here’s Jenner’s shoot for the fourth issue of Lovecat which, alarmingly, they’re pimping over email blast as her “sexy” interview and photo shoot. It’s not. She’s 16-years-old and unless this is targetted at furries, it’s not sexy. Her interview’s lazy, mindless and poorly-conducted by the magazine… probably by email, by the look of it… it’s thin, pointless, and she shills her family’s product, so it’s not being posted here. Her shoot’s nice though. So it’s below.


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