Kendall Jenner Talks About Paparazzi Driving Dangerously, Stalking Her At School

August 14, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Kendall Jenner is developing a rather alarming habit of using her promotional tours to air grievances.

Previously, Kendall admitted  she would quit reality television to do fashion if she could. Before that, she complained about the paparazzi and wished for a normal childhood. Before that, she complained about how hard her life is and said she wanted to be a normal kid again, except… she forgot what it’s like to be a normal kid. All of which earned her an unintentionally hilarious profile in the New York Times.

And now, while promoting her clothing line with Kylie, Kendall is talking more about the listicle of things she hates about being famous.

She tells Zach Sang & the Gang how the same paparazzi who were aggressively courted by her family for years are now villains in this story… somehow… for doing exactly what has been asked of them (asked, admittedly, by Kris Jenner).

Kendall explains, “They’re the most reckless drivers! They run red lights — they’re ridiculous. I don’t understand why these people aren’t illegal. Ask me a question about paparazzi and I get so heated. And I feel so bad for young kids of celebrities. My nieces and nephews get yelled at, and I’m like, ‘You are yelling at a 2-year-old.”

And because her family asked for the attention, literally and figuratively asked for it, and opted in every relative including all the minors, Kendall adds, “We were cheerleaders, so we miss that. I still go to football games sometimes, but we used to go all the time. … We would go to cheer at football games and there would be paparazzi on the other side of the fence taking pictures. It got to a point where it was just ridiculous. Thank God no one stalked us at school! They can stand outside of the property and take pictures in! It’s not hard. It never got to that point, thank God; I would have had a fit if it did. I hate paparazzi.”

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