Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom SEPARATED! Khloe Ditches Lamar For Refusing Intervention

August 26, 2013 by Hollywoodite

This weekend has been a whirlwind of conflicting stories about Lamar Odom’s troubled past, his troubled present, and what’s in store for his future.

It started on Friday when RadarOnline reported that Lamar had been taking OxyContin and Ambien. They noted his recent weight loss, said he didn’t care about anything nor anyone around him, and he barely held it together during basketball season. Soon after, ran a similar story, however, TMZ claimed Lamar had been using CRACK COCAINE heavily for TWO YEARS somehow without the general public noticing. The website added, the Kardashians staged an intervention August 2012, Khloe was so desperate to keep tabs on Lamar she hired a private investigator to watch over him in rehab, but Lamar still left treatment after only three weeks. Also, according to TMZ, Khloe does think Lamar has been cheating with several women. And this morning comes the news that Khloe and Lamar have separated. Specifically, when Lamar refused another intervention a few days ago, Khloe kicked him out. It’s been three days and counting and Lamar hasn’t been since and it’s feared he’s on a drug binge.

Now, for the conspiracy theories.

In short, a pretty popular theory today is that because Lamar did cheat, Kris Jenner is throwing him under the bus to make Khloe appear sympathetic before they get a divorce. The family did a similar character assassination of Kris Humphries by re-shooting scenes for their show to defame him and make Kim look sympathetic. Now, it’s Lamar’s turn for failing to make Khloe happy (and probably for failing to make Momma Jenner enough money). Basically, it would seem this is correct for one reason: the timing. Friday-Monday is when the tabloids settle on their cover choices. It’s Monday, there’s been a LOT of information “leaked” over the weekend, just in time for PEOPLE/ Us/ Life & Style/ In Touch/ Star and others to make this the cover in a way that makes Khloe the “tortured wife” with a “bad, junkie, cheater” husband. And wherever Lamar is, all this happened too quickly for him to respond.

The latest information appears to be another Kardashian leak: they’re telling PEOPLE and TMZ, Khloe has carried the burden of having a crack addict husband for years and only told her family “very recently.” She reportedly hid it because she didn’t want to “burden” the family. The source belabours the point, adding ”Khloe was a real trooper. She’s been living a nightmare.” Yeah, that’ll be the cover of every tabloid this week. The couple is effectively separated, although neither has filed for divorce. Yet. Khloe reportedly told Lamar, if he refused help again she would leave… which she did.

The couple does have a prenup, though, that held up their marital paperwork for MONTHS, as anyone who remembers their wedding four weeks after meeting will recall. Kris Jenner aggressively insisted Khloe get a prenup, she helped hash out its terms, and Khloe’s money is protected. Also, obviously, although Lamar has his own kids, the couple has no kids together.

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