Khloe Kardashian: Lost 20 Pounds In Three Months “My Best Body Ever”

April 4, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Taking a less-aggressive swipe at Kim Kardashian on its cover than did Life & Style Magazine, Us Weekly indirectly compares a pregnant Kardashian sister with a non-pregnant Kardashian sister. The focus is on Khloe Kardashian’s weight loss that Life & Style says is more like “25 lbs” but Us has at “20 lbs.” The 28-year-old does look thinner, and with Kris Jenner’s favourite child with child, this is the new filler. The new “thin sister.”

Us Weekly’s cover says “20 Lbs In Three Months. My Best Body Ever. Mocked as the “fat” sister for years, Khloe finally changed her diet and shape for good and gained a new confidence. How did she do it.”

In an actual interview with the mag, Khloe spills that she lost 20 lbs. by boxing. “I love to box!” she says. Later, the copy reads, “If only she had gotten into the ring sooner.”

Every morning, 5-foot-ten Khloe does 20 minutes of cardio to “spike her metabolism” and then goes to Gunnar Peterson’s Beverly Hills gym four to five days a week where she gets on the elliptical or treadmill and then boxes for 12 rounds, punching the mitts and so on. She also does 55 minute Pilates classes twice a week.

One thing that’s helped change her body? She no longer takes the hormones she was taking to ovulate, which made her bloated. – via Jezebel.

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