Khloe Kardashian Surrogate Story Covers Star; She & Kris Jenner React To Tabloid Rumours

January 17, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Khloe Kardashian also covers Star Magazine this week because her fertility and tabloid fabrications about her marriage make for no-brainer filler on slow news days.

In addition to the covers of ITW and Life & Style, Kardashian also covers Star Magazine this week who claim she’s investing in a surrogate. The Star story, like the other stories, relies on sources and apocryphal anecdotes relayed by other sources.

The cover of Star says: “Khloe’s $500,000 Surrogate Baby. ‘It’s my turn now!’ Kim’s pregnancy spurs Khloe to finally pay another woman to carry her child and save her marriage to Lamar.” Okay, a few things, she hasn’t been trying to get pregnant that long nor seeking fertility treatments for that long. Moreover, adoption and fostering etc. still exist so no doors have been closed in her 20s. Moreover, the story line about only wanting a baby to save her marriage doesn’t even make sense nor would it work. For whatever it’s worth though, the magazine claims Kardashian “bawled for days” learning her older sister was pregnant and now she’s determined to have a kid of her own.

Kardashian has reacted to this week’s covers. She wrote a blog post rebutting the ITW cover that passes information from 2012 as new and the Life & Style cheating cover that also has no story.

It is disgusting that Life & Style and InTouch magazines continue to print these false stories about my life: the status of my marriage, false reports about a miscarriage, the horrible lie that my dad is not my biological father, jealousy over my sisters’ lives, etc.

It is a complete waste of time to address these reports every time they print these ridiculous and absurd tabloid stories, but not only are these stories untrue, they’re also unfair to the people who buy the magazines expecting to read accurate reports. Anyone who pays attention to these things can easily see the incredible bond that everyone in my family shares. I’m happily married to a wonderful man and fall in love with him more and more each day, and we’ll have a baby when god wants us to and when the time is right. These blatant lies are distasteful and shameless. – via Khloe Kardashian’s blog.

She also reacted to the covers on Twitter, writing: “People say the truth hurts, but the truth is not what makes the tabloids money. I will admit, the false might cut a little deeper. At least the truth I can respect and grow from.”

Also, Kris Jenner has released an unintentionally hilarious video saying it’s wrong to lie about Kardashian’s paternity. Even though Jenner hired her ex-lover, with whom she cheated on her first husband, to star on her reality show to contrive a fake affair 23 years later for ratings. And then contrived paternity drama on the show which fuelled subsequent paternity rumours.

It is with great frustration and disappointment that I am writing to you guys today. I do my best to ignore the harmful, nasty and often mean-spirited tabloid rumors surrounding me and my family, but I can no longer remain silent amid the blatant lies I am constantly being asked about, and that people actually read and believe. I never thought I’d be writing about this on my blog, but the final straw has been reading all the recent lies from me being upset about Kanye’s announcement regarding my daughter Kim’s pregnancy and their baby, to claims by InTouch once again stating that Robert Kardashian is not Khloe’s biological father and that she had a miscarriage and even saying that Bruce and I are getting a divorce! I could go on and on, but I think you guys are getting the picture.

The continuous spread of egregious misinformation is just plain wrong, and it would be irresponsible of me and a disservice to my family to not address it at this point. I want to say loud and clear that these are toxic, baseless and disgusting rumors and none of them are true. You all know us so well by now, and trust me, if we have something to say or announce, we have no problem shouting it from the rooftops! I am here to say that my family and I are in a great place and we truly know how blessed we are to be able to spend the time together that we do. We all love each other very much (kind of obsessed actually!).

I really want to start the New Year off with great energy, enthusiasm and honesty. Life has never been better and we have so much to look forward to this year! We are so excited to continue this amazing adventure. I am so grateful for your constant love, loyalty, support, and the way you all lift us up all the time. I just wanted to assure you guys that we are all doing great.

Be joyful, be positive, be thankful, be kind, and be strong. I’m sending lots of love, Kris! – via Kris Jenner’s blog.

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