Will Kim Kardashian’s Birth Be Filmed? Will the Baby Appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

It’s been reported multiple times already that Kim Kardashian is kowtowing to Kanye West, rather than obeying Kris Jenner’s edict that all Kardashians/ Jenners/ Odoms/ Disicks/ Wests appear on the reality show.

Kardashian is apparently torn between the two and until this point hasn’t known whom to follow. But right now, Kardashian appears to be following West in his desire for a low-key life which does not include their child together appearing on reality television. Some sources say she’s just keeping the peace and has every intention of selling out and monetizing her newborn.

However, apparently in reaction to those latest reports, Kardashian is AGAIN vowing to keep her kid off reality television.

In addition to not having the kid on television, it’s reported the actual birth won’t be on television. Reportedly out of respect for West… although… it’s more likely she’s so controlling of her image that she doesn’t want to be that disheveled (sweaty, vomiting, pooping, ripping etc.) or out-of-control in front of the cameras.

“Kim is very serious about her pledge,” a source close to the 32-year-old E! star said. “She has said, multiple times, that the baby will not be part of the Kardashian reality-television empire.”

The birth won’t feature on the series or a special, either, insisted the source — unlike Kim’s elder sister Kourtney who gave birth to daughter Penelope on the season seven finale of the family’s ratings juggernaut show.

“Of course, producers want Kim to do the same as Kourt,” the insider said. “It would be a ratings dream and reality television gold. But Kim is refusing it. She doesn’t want her fans to see her in that situation…in the birthing suite.”

The source said Kanye, 35, is “dead set against” his first child having E! camera time as well.

And though Jenner has reportedly already contacted editors to seek bids for the first photos of the baby, our source said Kim is also reluctant to unveil the child in the pages of a magazine.

“She knows it’s a huge pay day but Kanye is reluctant and has said no,” the source added. “Time will tell on that one. That might be the trade-off — magazine but no television.” – via RadarOnline.

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