Kim Kardashian Split: What Went Wrong? Is The Divorce A Publicity Stunt?

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries’ sham relationship where E! chose him as runner-up and the sham marriage they rushed into for money and fame lasted EXACTLY one year to the day. notes that Kardashian was courtside at a New Jersey Nets basketball game October 31, 2010. The date of separation and file date on her divorce papers is October 31, 2011. Reportedly, Kardashian noticed Humphries and thought he was “cute.” Although that’s not really true, since she was being set up in a marriage, and others insist was arranged.

She split with him on that date, rather than either Friday since her birthday, for maximum publicity (if she wanted to bury the story). Moreover, her mother’s book is out today – a book she’s shilling on The Today Show, exclusively, tomorrow. And, another promo for Kourtney & Kim Take New York is out. The tagline for the clip: ”They may have the world at their feet, but things can change in a New York minute.”

There are a bunch of random reports and sources are still spilling information to People, Us Weekly, HollywoodLife, RadarOnline, TMZ, and X17Online.

The Cliffs Notes version: basically, the split has been staged, timed and choreographed in order to get tabloid covers, shill pimp momager’s book, and increase the K&KTNY ratings. Ugh.


* Kardashian was seen at LAX leaving for Australia the day she filed, not wearing her wedding ring or engagement ring and pretending to look sorrowful and mournful for the death of her fake marriage. She was asked for comment on her divorce, after she’d already issued her statement, so she remained quiet.

* notes the probably-staged marital breakdown will be the focus of K&KTNY. ”How am I going to have my career and live in Minnesota?” Kardashian whines to Humphries in a preview of K&KTNY. “Baby,” Humphries replies, “by the time you have kids and they’re in school, no one will care about you.”

* The Hollywood Reporter notes, for K&KTNY, the couple filmed a scene where they decided to “Take a break” from each other.

* THR adds Kris Jenner choreographed the timing so it’d make the maximum number of tabloid covers that week. Says a source: “[Jenner] made sure that Kardashian and Humphries’ divorce was announced on Monday in time for coverage in the weekly magazines, which go to deadline that day.”

* Kardashian is pretending to be forlorn over cries of a publicity stunt wedding and stunt split. She’s leaking information to TMZ, claiming that she went back and forth before deciding to file out of desperation at the 11th hour. “Sources” told the website she cried all weekend, in between parties, and she didn’t make the decision to file until Sunday night (the papers were filed first thing Monday).

* TMZ notes Humphries will get nothing in the split, because of the prenup; no money, no other assets. Moreover, he doesn’t get the ring back because they’re already married and he didn’t pay for it himself.

* A source tells RadarOnline the couple were never in love; they were “affectionate” but felt no real emotion for each other. Moreover, she is reportedly still in love with Reggie Bush: “Kim was never in love with Kris. Kris certainly wasn’t in love with Kim. There was a lot of affection between the two, but it wasn’t love. Kim was still in love with Reggie Bush, make no mistake about that. Kim’s relationship with Kris just didn’t have that intensity or that deep feeling of love, period.”

* …but Bush doesn’t want her back. Ha! A source tells ”He doesn’t trust Kim. Reggie was humiliated by Kim and everyone close to him knows that it wasn’t that he wasn’t ready to commit to Kim but because she wasn’t trustworthy in their relationship and he feels like she made a fool of him. And he can never get over that.”

* The couple rushed into marriage, something asserted by multiple outlets and sources today. A source tells HollywoodLife there were problems two weeks into the 72 day marriage: “Two weeks after they got married, she was aware that the relationship has changed. They had both talked about it after the honeymoon and came clean and said ‘Maybe we rushed into this.’ They made the decision not to get into the logistics of living until after they were married. They didn’t discuss what their life would look like. Kim she didn’t see herself fitting into that scheme. She’s so close to her family and splitting her time with Kris’ family wasn’t ideal for her.”

* There’s conflicting information on whether Kardashian was willing to move for him. She’s basically telling everyone what they want to hear. As usual. On October 7, she told Ryan Seacrest ”I would go to Oklahoma City [if the Thunder signed Kris] … we’re not going to live a separate life.” On October 5, she and Humphries renewed their vows on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

* Kardashian told People, recently, they’d flip-flopped over where to live: “We have to find our home base. He lives in Miami and Minnesota. I’m in L.A., so we had to find where that home base is going to be. We’re waiting for the lockout to end to see where he’s going to play.”

* Kardashian’s family didn’t bother to get to know Humphries. Khloe Kardashian told People, recently, ”I’ve only been around him a couple of times. I’m a very tough crowd. [My relationship with Kris] is a work in progress. It’s not something either one of us is going to fake. I just need to know him more.” Adds Jenner, foreshadowing, “[They’re] going in two separate directions [while living in New York]… She’s working, he’s working; he’s trying to stay in shape for basketball. I think they’ll figure it out as soon as they get back to Los Angeles.”

* A more sympathetic source, read: Kardashian’s publicist, is feeding stories to Us Weekly. ”She is truly in love with love,” the source claims. “She’s always the girl doodling her future husband’s name on her notebook. And that’s what happened here. She fell for him really hard when she didn’t really know him. She got very swept up. She didn’t want to be out there lying about how happy she was in her marriage when she wasn’t. She has a lot of regrets.”

* How is Kardashian coping? A source tells People “She rushed into it too fast [but] she’s holding it together. It’s insanely troubling and heartbreaking, but it’s a decision she knew had to be made. [She’s] leaning on her family for support [because] they’re the ones she can always trust.”


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