L&S: Kris Humphries Says Kim Kardashian Dubai Car Scene Was Fake

January 12, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This week’s Life & Style cover is another anti-Kris Humphries one, since the tabloid is still firmly in the Kardashian’s pocket and there’s money to be made from future lifestyle reveals (Kourtney Kardashian’s post baby bikini reveal, is one possible example). The cover headline reads: “Kris: I Will Destroy Kim; Kris gets revenge by suing to cancel the show; Inside the 17-day battle to stop the finale from airing; Kim’s fighting back to avoid losing everything.”

First things first, it’s already been established that Humphries is not suing his estranged wife… about the show or otherwise.

Also inside the issue, Humphries claims the show is scripted and he regrets being complicit in his own smearing. Speaking of Kourtney & Kim Take New York, Humphries supposedly calls fake on the notorious car ride from last weekend’s episode of K&KTNY.

In the scene, Kim Kardashian and mother Kris Jenner are discussing their feelings about the marriage. They’re supposedly in Dubai, during the car ride, without Humphries who asked to attend the trip on camera. The car ride has clearly been staged, and probably scripted, and very heavily-edited with either additional, dubbed audio clarifying the discussion or the whole car ride was staged after the split to bolster the plot.

Two body language experts spoke to HollywoodLife.com about the scene and agreed the conversation was odd/ unnatural/ uneven.

Two leading body language experts tell HollywoodLife.com, judging from Kim and Kris Jenner‘s interactions on the show last night, the whole relationship was staged.

“[This seems] completely phony, staged and emotionless for someone who is not happy about a marriage,” Dr. Lillian Glass tells HollywoodLife.com. “Plus, Kris’ dialogue is just that like of a bad actress giving bad dialogue. There is too much pause time between the answers and her reaction shows no surprise and a matter of factness monotone; much like Kim’s indicative non-genuineness.”

World renowned body language expert Patti Wood and author of Success Signals explains, “When Kim tells her mother, ‘I feel a sense of relief that I am here,’ her words don’t match her body language or her [vocal inflection]. Notice as she makes that statement how her torso doesn’t move, her eyes get big, and she looks tense. When someone says the word ‘relief’ they typically show a sign of relief, by either taking a breath, closing their eyes or relaxing their body. Kim does none of this. And she stresses the word relief like she is reading it from a script.”

She adds, “Kim’s body language is not normal with regard to what she is saying. At one point when she says, ‘There is something in my relationship that I just feel…,’ she looks directly into the camera for split second when she says the word ‘relationship’. It looks like a dramatic staged pause and ‘look at me’ eye movement to create drama, rather than a first time self disclosure to her mom.”

Not only do the experts think Kim seemed fake, they were suspicious about Kris’ attitude as well.

“She is smiling while her daughter is sharing this terrible news,” Wood says. “This is not normal. She isn’t leaning toward Kim to show her support or trying to comfort her in any way. You don’t even hear her gasp or act surprised when Kim shares this sad news about her marriage. Kris’ mouth looks tight like she is holding it together and like the whole interaction was planned.” – via HollywoodLife.


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