Report: Kim Kardashian & Kris Humphries Deposition Won’t Be Filmed, Lest It Leak

June 11, 2012 by Hollywoodite

This is a relatively arbitrary and trivial detail in a longer saga of whether or not the deposition will be filmed (no), whether the divorce trial will be filmed (perhaps), and getting these things on record for posterity in an environment Kim Kardashian cannot spin nor manipulate.

According to, the deposition will not be filmed, for fear the video could leak to the media. And, assuming that’s correct, they’re right not to do so. Because, if Kardashian is compelled to admit she’s a lying, scheming fame whore who got married for television and money and gifts, that will leak before she’s even left the courtroom. And allegations she slept with Kanye West while in her previous relationship will be damaging too.

That said, it’s not like transcripts can’t leak. So all they’re withholding is context and the visual. There will be a “private stenographer” from whose fingertips we’ll learn the extent to which the relationship was faked by her pimps at E! because court documents can be just as damaging.

Kim Kardashian’s deposition will take place in Los Angeles at her lawyer Laura Wasser’s office while Humphries’ will be conducted in Minnesota and both are scheduled to take place in the next two weeks.

“Both parties mutually agreed that it wasn’t necessary to have Kim and Kris’ deposition filmed,” a source close to the case says. “There will be a private stenographer present that will provide a transcript of the proceedings. There was concern about the depositions being filmed and then getting leaked to the media. To ensure that won’t happen everyone recognized and agreed to not have proceedings filmed. However, Kris’ lawyer, Lee Hutton has told Laura Wasser that they absolutely intend to ask that cameras be permitted in the courtroom when this divorce goes to trial.”

“This is absolutely going to trial and it’s not about money. Kris wants Kim to publicly acknowledge that the marriage was fraudulent and he wants an apology. Of course, if Kim were to do so, a messy divorce trial could be avoided. Team Humphries has been told in no uncertain terms though that is never going to happen.”

“Kim is just livid that she has to be deposed. She has tried to get out of it, but there is no way she can,” the source adds. “Kris is ready for his deposition to be taken and just wants the truth to get out about what he says really happened when they were dating and after the wedding.”

Once the depositions take place a trial date will likely be scheduled for later this year. – via RadarOnline.

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