Kim Kardashian’s $7,000-Per-Day Monogrammed Penthouse; “Upset” About People Cover

August 29, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian is back from the honeymoon so lacking and unimportant she cut it short to attend the MTV Video Music Awards to which she had no relevance whatsoever (she was there to host, but WTF for?)

Kardashian and second husband Kris Humphries were on honeymoon for less-than-a-week in Italy doing little more than dinner and laying atop each other on the patio. While they were away, in their first days of marriage, it’s reported that Kardashian’s mother was negotiating deals for joint endorsements and KK brand products. Speaking of which, Page Six has two interesting pieces on Kardashian today; if you play it fast and loose with the word “interesting.”

First, P6 gives more details on the first place the couple will kinda call home; a hotel room for $7,000-per-night, while Kardashian and her elder sister film season two of Kourtney & Kim Take New York. K&KTNY is one of the commitments for which Kardashian cut short a honeymoon that will reportedly be continued 2012 somewhere tropical. While in New York, presumably after the weather stops gutting the East coast, there’ll also be a party to welcome the couple. The venue in which the couple will be living, after which they’ll find a permanent base, will be the Gansevoort Hotel on Park Avenue South. The monogrammed hell will be plastered in the products they’ll be shilling over the next few years, “K&K monogrammed towels, sheets, pillow cases and even Champagne bottles.”

In related news from P6, Kardashian is vaguely bothering to defend the husband not deemed important enough to cover People or accompany her to her first time at the MTV VMAs for which she played host. A source tells Page Six, “It was supposed to be her and Kris. She is worried about his family thinks. She doesn’t want to alienate them.” Kardashian’s rep is denying that she has feelings, “Kim of course wanted Kris to be on the cover, but it was People’s decision…everyone, including Kris understood…No one is upset.”

The couple cover Hello! UK. Humphries is on the cover and the women of the Kardashian family basically wear variations of the bride’s dress. It’s a blended mess of everyone wearing white andou can barely even pick out the bride on her own boring cover.


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