Kim Kardashian’s Former Nanny Pam Behan “Desperate” To Shill Flop Book

August 29, 2012 by Hollywoodite

The former nanny who worked with the older Kardashian and Jenner children until shortly before the birth of Kendall Jenner has been self-promoting a tell-all book for months now. Pam Behan has given television and print interviews in which she revealed she would be shopping a book about her experiences being, in her words, a “second mother” to the children. Upon the release of the book, however, it became apparent Behan had no real dirt to sell other than tales of control-freak, sociopath Kris Jenner that anyone who’s ever seen an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians could have conjectured for themselves. It was a screed like all others of its ilk; meandering anecdotes strung together with filler.

Behan released the book online in its entirety weeks ago, for free, through her publicist Jonathan Hay. She says, it’s in the interest of transparency and to ease the family’s concerns about the content.

It’s actually a boring book, even to skim-read. Including the “unseen photos” that are similar to the photos the Kardashians post to their own blogs all the time. Except Behan didn’t have permission to profit from her own photos (given to her by the family at the time).

And now Kim Kardashian reveals on her website that Behan’s getting so little interest from publishers that the former nanny is “desperate” to fabricate a scandal to fill pages and to make some money. The family’s lawyer emailed after receiving a “disturbing” call from Hay, name redacted but it’s clearly about him, throwing his client under the bus for not being “very smart” in the way she’s approached the book.

Kardashian’s blog titled “These Are The Sort Of Emails I Get Daily” says “These are the kinds of emails I get on a daily basis. Seriously, at some point you just have to laugh at how ridiculous people are. You may have heard about the nanny I had when I was a kid who wrote a book about her experiences as our family nanny. Well I guess her “tell-all” story isn’t juicy enough. LOL… Please!!!!! My family and I were really disappointed in her for using childhood photos of us in her book without our permission, so we had our attorney reach out to her and ask her to sign a confidentiality agreement. But now, we see once again what a classy nanny she is! What a joke! This is the kind of stuff we have to deal with every day. People looking for scandals and creating nasty stories just to make a name for themselves. You can’t get away with it. I’m just going to start posting all the ridiculousness on my blog!”

The email is included (click through, then once again from the gallery to read in full size), accusing Behan of threatening to release her own confidentiality agreement with the angle “the book the Kardashains don’t want you to read.”

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