Kim Kardashian Won’t Date Another NFL Player After Reggie Bush Split

February 7, 2012 by Hollywoodite

According to, Kim Kardashian would voluntarily cut a bunch of eligible athletes from her dating pool. Which requires such a suspension of disbelief it’s just easier to counter with ‘Nope, never happened.’

The website claims that, since her split from Reggie Bush, Kardashian is over the idea of dating football players (no word on whether divorcing Kris Humphries had the same effect with basketball players).

This follows tabloid reports from National Enquirer and (owned by the same people as Star), that Kardashian wanted to hook up with Tim Tebow but she was too basic, used and pr0ny for his tastes. More recent rumours claimed that Kardashian dated Mark Sanchez for months without anyone noticing, even though he’s supposedly been dating Kate Upton since December 2011.


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