Kim Kardashian “Obsessed With Getting The Baby Weight Off… Fast”

June 27, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian covers In Touch Weekly Magazine who decided that just because the reality star gave birth doesn’t mean it has to stop with stories about her baby weight. This week’s issue is replete with stories about her “obsession” with her weight gain, her obsession with losing weight postpartum, and her insecurity about her looks now.

In her delivery room, the 32-year-old “wouldn’t stop talking about her body. She kept asking her sisters if she looked smaller and skinnier after giving birth.” The source continues, “Kim is obsessed with getting the baby weight off — and fast.”

Kardashian reportedly wants to drop half of the 60 pregnancy pounds almost immediately. “She really believes she can lose the first 30 pounds in the first month,” another source says, noting that Kardashian is thrilled to have had a natural birth because the recovery from a C-section would be prohibitive of working out so soon “She wants to look good in a bikini by the end of the summer.”

“She got so big,” a friend of the Kardashians says, adding that her sisters “teased her” throughout her whole pregnancy. “So now she wants to look as hot as possible.”

“Her sisters were making fun of her because she kept tweeting old bikini pictures of herself,” the friend adds. “They told her she needed to relax and enjoy the weight gain.”

And Kanye West is allegedly making it worse. “When Kim stacked on the weight, Kanye’s vision of her maternity fashion went out the drain,” an insider claims. “He’s not happy about how much weight she gained — and said it’s her job to get rid of it quickly.”

“She’s terrified she will never get her body back,” the insider adds. “Everyone has told her not to stress — that it’s about being healthy and having a good mind-set for your baby, not about losing the weight right away. But her family knows that at the end of the day, Kim will do what Kim wants.”

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