Pregnant Kim Kardashian Still Getting Botox, She’s Becoming “Neurotic” About Her Looks?

May 30, 2013 by Hollywoodite

In Touch Weekly’s fascination with the Kardashians continues this week, with Kim Kardashian’s alleged use of injectibles into her seventh month of pregnancy.

There were stories before Kardashian even got pregnant that she was too vain to carry a baby herself and–not wanting to lose that much control of her own body–she would rather have used a surrogate. And, once she got pregnant, tabloids like National Enquirer claimed Kardashian intended to get plastic surgery soon after birth. Even Kardashian’s aunt told the media the new mother would get lipo to regain her famous figure.

So this story from In Touch isn’t really new, it’s just focusing on Kardashian’s admittedly plumped lips rather than lipo/ boob jobs.

“She’s still getting injections even though she’s seven months pregnant,” an insider told In Touch magazine. Kim’s rep denied the claim about her getting Botox during her pregnancy to

Kanye West’s baby mama has gained a startling 70 pounds during her pregnancy, and it is this that has caused her so much anxiety.

“She’s become more neurotic than ever about her looks,” a family insider told the magazine. “She’ll do anything to be beautiful.”

Kanye lost his own beloved mother Donda West after a botched plastic surgery operation and a source said it would not bode well for Kim if he found out she’s getting Botox injections.

“It would really set him off if he found out that Kim was putting his baby in that kind of danger just for her looks.”

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Jon A. Perlman, who does not treat Kim, told the magazine “the lack of upper facial wrinkling and expression suggest Botox. Her skin is too smooth.”

A source close to Kim dismissed the report, saying “this is totally not true and she would never do this. It is absurd.”

Still, Kim reportedly is continuing the risky behavior.

“She’s so worried about what she looks like – that’s why she’s still getting Botox,” a family insider said.

“Are you surprised?” they asked about Kim’s obsession with staying young. “This is Kim. She’ll go to any lengths to protect the one thing that’s most precious to her: her beauty.” – via RadarOnline.

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