Do Kim Kardashian & Ray J Have Another Sex Tape That’s On Sale For $30 Million?

By Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner’s own admission during Oprah’s Next Chapter, the 32-year-old is only famous because she chose to have sex on tape and, depending on whom you believe, chose to release what is basically amateur pornography ahead of the pilot for her television show. Aping Paris Hilton, to whom she used to be sidekick.

There were also reports that Jenner instructed her daughter to turn to porn, in desperation to make the pilot work and for free-publicity. Kris Humphries’ ex-girlfriend/ friend Myla Sinanaj alleged in text messages that Humphries “confirmed” Jenner orchestrated the tape for press and, by extension, the money. Making her a real pimp rather than a figurative one. And, depending on whom you believe, Jenner directed Kardashian to record more than one version when the first take was not “pretty enough.”

Ray J alleged in his book that Kardashian was cheating with him on her first husband, Damon Thomas, in the Kim Kardashian Superstar tape. And now spurious tabloid sources out of the U.K. claim Kardashian and Ray J have an even more sexually-explicit tape; more explicit than the famous version in which Kardashian is allegedly being urinated on? The second tape is reportedly on sale for £19 million, that’s about $30 million.

Kim Kardashian is horrified a second sex tape starring her is being offered for sale.

The X-rated flick being offered for £19 million [$30 million] is said to feature the reality queen and her ex Ray J, star of her infamous 2003 home video.

Kim is said to be terrified it could be leaked online.

An insider said: “It’s definitely Kim in the video. And it’s even raunchier than her last one. There are all kinds of eye-popping moments.”

The source said: “Kim fears this will damage her relationship with Kanye West.” – via Daily Star.

Included are photos of Kardashian, friends and family filming in Miami.


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