Reports: Kim Kardashian’s Sham Marriage Was Staged, All For Show

November 1, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian was in love with herself, her fame, her money, her family, attention… everything in her life except the husband with whom she reportedly had a sham marriage and with whom she may yet stage a reunion for even MORE attention.

The Internet started hemorrhaging source reports, statements and factoids about the obnoxiously-short marriage right after Kardashian blindsided Kris Humphries with a divorce announcement. Humphries was very specific with the wording in his reaction statement, which may have been a PR move for sympathy, but he said he learned of the split at the same time as everyone else: “I’m committed to this marriage and everything this covenant represents. I love my wife and am devastated to learn she filed for divorce. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.”

The Cliffs Notes version of today’s reports: Kardashian needs fame more than she needs air, her boyfriends and husband were picked by E!, she hated sleeping with Humphries but tolerated it hoping to develop feelings later, at the wedding she made him dis-invite his family so she could invite strangers who’d be seat fillers and nothing more… she’d never met them before!, they had nothing in common, Kardashian staged the split this Monday to maximise publicity for her mother’s book (out today, when the 30-year-old had two Fridays after her birthday if she wanted to bury the story since the marriage reportedly ended over a week ago).

Moreover, the website’s adamant that Humphries flirted with women when partying alone… maybe even bedding co-eds weeks into his sham marriage (photos of the alleged flirting at


* claims Humphries started chasing fame, suddenly, last week, and her friends are full of “I told you so!”s since they always thought he was a famewhore in a random’s clothing.

* Kris told TMZ he doesn’t believe in divorce and he would rather work things out, leaving the door open for public reconciliation in the next few weeks.

* Sources are telling RadarOnline the marriage is a hoax/ staged sham orchestrated by E! and co-signed by Kardashian who’s sleeping with a husband to whom she’s not attracted, for the money… if only there were a word for that.

* The sources call Kardashian insecure and willing to put fame above her personal life: “She doesn’t want to live off camera she is totally insecure and addicted to fame. Everything is about her and her career, it was never about [them]; always about [her]. She wouldn’t change her name, didn’t like Minnesota, not ready for kids, pretty much anything he wanted or liked she didn’t. They never should have gotten married in the first place… It was all way too fast…she will do anything for attention. She is completely self absorbed, he got caught up in the excitement but they have nothing in common. He basically had to do whatever she wanted, from filming the show to what they did on the weekends, and had no say about anything. She doesn’t want to live off camera. They went from 0 to 100 in such a short amount of time… The wedding was all for TV. They invited people they didn’t even know, many of whom were business associates, and people who each had not even met before the wedding! Who invites guests to their wedding who they don’t even know? The wedding was contrived to be great television, but had no warmth or intimacy… His family thinks she’s extremely selfish and her sisters never liked him.”

* The same source adds, the timing’s to help promote her mother’s book: “Don’t think it’s a coincidence filing/announcing on Halloween. She will be profiting off of this for years to come! Not to mention her mom’s book comes out tomorrow. She’s crafty!”

* In a separate report, a source tells RadarOnline it was an arranged marriage: “It was pretty much an arranged marriage right from the start. Kim was looking for a husband and Kris was selected for her, amongst others. She wasn’t really into him but she hoped she would be able to develop some feelings, but it never happened. She was never particularly attracted to him, and by all accounts absolutely hated sleeping with him or even having to make out with him. The whole wedding was a total hoax and a publicity stunt. It was great for ratings and it was an amazing money maker. That’s it though, period. Kris turned out to not be as malleable as everyone hoped he would be, he was pictured out partying with other girls, Kim really couldn’t care less for him, she decided to end it.”

* The same source adds, there may be a reconcilliation on the horizon and it ain’t over until it’s over: “It wouldn’t surprise me, in the slightest, if Kim and Kris managed to ‘reunite’ and the divorce filing gets brushed aside as they go to counseling and couples therapy. Basically, Kim will do anything and everything for the maximum amount of attention and TV time.”

* Adds supposed former friend of Kardashian, Jonathan Jaxson: “Part of it was publicity, she knew they were going to make a lot of money from her wedding. It made them millions. I do think she fell in love but once she got to know him and being married she realized he wasn’t her match. It was bad for business, it wasn’t good for Kim’s image to be married, and I think she realized that pretty quickly. Kris just wanted a wife, he didn’t care about the rest of the stuff. At one point he almost backed out and didn’t walk down the aisle but there was so much money involved, it was too late. Everything is business for Kim now, she’s lost the sense of quality of life. She doesn’t want to commit the time to a relationship even though she wants one. The breakup started two weeks ago because she didn’t want to be in Minnesota, and she didn’t want to make New York her home. She just bought a $5 million house in LA about 1 1/2 years ago, she’s going to be staying there now. I do think it was a genuine relationship, it wasn’t a genuine marriage though. It was all orchestrated for TV, it was all for show. It was just too much.”

* A source who supposedly accompanied Kardashian on her promotional trip to Dubai, without Humphries, their most recent fight was about money and not where they should live as a married couple: “I heard Kim on the phone with Kris at one point during the trip, and she was swearing and screaming at him about how he doesn’t have anything going on and how she’s not going to support him.”

* And, the final nail in the coffin, Kardashian’s NOT wearing her wedding or engagement rings. She was seen without them at LAX.


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