In Touch Weekly: “Kim Kardashian’s Worst Nightmare… Dumped At 200 Pounds”

April 3, 2013 by Hollywoodite

This again. Over the past few weeks, the tabloids have followed Star Magazine’s lead in the claim that Kim Kardashian has gained “65 lbs” in five months (only to admit in the same article that the “65 lbs” figure is completely fabricated). A few weeks later, In Touch Weekly continued the trend by claiming on its cover Kardashian could become 200 pounds by the end of her first pregnancy. This claim was repeated on the cover of National Enquirer who also claimed Kardashian is “200 lbs and gaining.” Even though Kardashian says she was only 120 lbs to begin with, gained 20 more lbs, and now weighs 140 lbs.

Despite that correction she made on Jay Leno, where she called the same speculation “bullying,” In Touch Weekly has released another cover making false claims about Kardashian’s weight and relationship with Kanye West. If the “Dumped at 200 lbs” headline looks familiar… it’s because it’s basically a rehash of this “Pregnant and Alone” cover from ITW earlier in the month.

This week’s cover says, “Kim’s Worst Nightmare. Dumped at 200 lbs. Devastated Kim finds comfort in food as Kanye gets close to a sexy blonde in Paris. Five desserts in one sitting; Hiding candy and bingeing later; Her tearful breakdown, ‘I’ll never get my body back.’ Plus: Her secret plan to leave America with her baby.”

A teaser for the story says: During a recent business meeting at the tasty NYC eatery ABC Kitchen, Kim Kardashian allowed herself to order two sweet treats from the restaurant’s decadent dessert menu. But when the calorific confections arrived at her table, they were accompanied by an unwanted gift: three additional sugary plates. It was the last thing Kim needed – especially now that her relationship with Kanye West is on the rocks. “She’s eating her feelings,” says an insider close to the reality star, who’s six months pregnant. “She’s telling friends that she’s miserable in her relationship with Kanye because he’s deserted her,” says an insider. “She knows she’s probably going to end up as a single mom. No wonder she’s packing on the pounds.”

In Touch has learned that in recent weeks, the expectant star has indulged in high-calorie, carbohydrate-heavy meals including creamy risotto, chicken and waffles, decadent desserts and more.

On March 17, she was spotted at South City Kitchen in Atlanta scarfing down greasy chicken and waffles, along with smashed bliss potatoes, collard greens, and mac and cheese. Back in Beverly Hills days later, she stopped — twice in one week — into one of her favorite Italian restaurants, Il Pastaio, for carb-heavy lunches.

“Kim ate the same dish both times — creamy mushroom risotto,” a fellow diner tells In Touch. “She also ate bread with olive oil, and the second time she came in she also shared the arancini [fried rice balls] appetizer.” The risotto alone has a whopping 1,300 calories. “She hasn’t just gained 20 pounds like she claims,” a pal tells In Touch. “She’d already gained 45 to 50 when she still had four months to go!”

Thankfully, Kim welcomes her expanding tummy, recognizing the fact that her body is going through a transformation. “At the beginning it was tough for me when your body changes so much, but once you kind of grasp that and embrace it, it’s amazing,” she says. – via In Touch Weekly.

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