Star: Kim Kardashian’s Plan To Make Reggie Bush Jealous Is Working

March 8, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Following its own report from last week, that Kim Kardashian was hit on by a bunch of Saudi guys during her Dubai trip and “connecting” with the richest who happens to be a billionaire, Star claims the plan to win back Reggie Bush by making him jealous is working.

Star and Life & Style basically made the same point last week with their cover stories: Kardashian and Bush are no longer together and he has moved on, as has she, although she’s still sprung enough to try to make him jealous.

Sounds like tabloid supposition and filler, but it’s a little believable because everything she does is this contrived.

This week’s Star claims that Bush is stuck on winning Kardashian back, against the advisement of his friends: “He can’t seem to get her out of his mind. It’s like he’s addicted. It’s embarrassing.”

The source continues that Bush’s affections may begin to affect his football career: “He should be focusing on his career, but he thinks about her all the time. He just can’t help himself.”

Reportedly, Kardashian flew to Miami in February and Bush conceded to a reconciliation if Kardashian stopped fame-whoring. But he’s probably too late because, as Star claimed last week, Kardashian may have moved on already. Bush is now “yesterday’s news” and “not rich enough” by comparison.

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