Kourtney & Kim Take New York Season Two: 3.2 Million Watch Premiere

November 29, 2011 by Hollywoodite

All the whoring the Kardashians and their pimp momager did to smear Kris Humphries, and the last-minute PR blackout to create sympathy and demand, worked. EGADS! Who knew whores whoring would be so profitable. Pimp momager knew, that’s how she earned her moniker.

It was Kris Jenner who, according to The Hollywood Reporter, ordered Kim Kardashian to release news of her divorce on a Monday to ensure maximum tabloid coverage. It was Jenner who, as executive producer, will be heading up the smearing of Humphries as she tries to use Kourtney & Kim Take New York as a PR boon. It was Jenner who demanded that Kardashian go quiet until the premiere, after which she could resume shilling and lying about Humphries being a controlling and emotionally-abusive husband.

THR reports that the K&KTNY premiere opened to 3.2 million viewers, with an increase from 3 million last season and an increase in the valuable youth demo. Which means lots of young, gullible fans watched, hoping to learn why the marriage failed.

There are no real answers to be found, once any real emotion has been extracted with forceps. Scenes have been staged and heavily-edited… then edited again to make them more sympathetic towards the Kardashians. Moreover, Life & Style’s latest cover story claims Humphries says scenes unflattering to him were scripted.

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