Report: Kris Humphries Wants $7 Million To Settle With Kim Kardashian

March 10, 2012 by Hollywoodite

In what reads as a planted story, in part of a longer smear campaign against Kris Humphries, it’s claimed the 27-year-old is “secretly demanding” a settlement from Kim Kardashian on pain of a long, embarrassing court case if she chooses not to pay.

The tabloids are going to have a field day with this, especially since they’ve been saying it for a while although their angles didn’t always seem plausible, but the mostly pro-Kardashian mouthpiece reports that Humphries is secretly trying to land a $7 million settlement from his estranged wife in lieu of hashing out damages in a divorce hearing. TMZ claims that Kardashian isn’t interested in the deal for several reasons:

* The marriage lasted 72 days and, according to Kardashian’s team, even if there were no prenup, there’s no way the community property would be $7 million… which is possibly a lie because the reality show, endorsements, comped goods, tabloid deals, paparazzi deals, etc. reportedly earned the family near $20 million in the same period and were Humphries to take this to court it probably wouldn’t be that hard to prove the family wrong in their claims they paid out-of-pocket and the wedding earned no money (in her retort, Kris Jenner conflated net with gross profit claiming the wedding made no money when it appears it did).

* The prenup says Humphries gets nothing.

* Humphries earned a cut of the wedding profit; around $1 from the special alone. Moreover, adds TMZ, Kardashian used her earnings to pay for the much reported-upon $2 million engagement ring (Jenner has since suggested the ring cost less than half that).

* Humphries reportedly made $250,000 to $300,000 from Kourtney & Kim Take New York on which he claims he was irrevocably smeared in the edit to be the bad guy.

This is heating up, so it’ll become apparent who earned what and who’s fleecing whom soon.

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