Kris Humphries Wants Anything But A Divorce, Even “Indefinite Separation”

December 2, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kris Humphries is getting desperate. Yesterday, following his filing for legal separation on the grounds of fraud, it was opined by a random legal expert that the 26-year-old’s fraud claim was more of a contrived PR boon, with Humphries hoping to make a point about Kim Kardashian’s conduct before and during the wedding. Pretty much all reports today clarify Humphries has little/ no chance of achieving this, because he’d have no way of proving his scheming, narcissist wife committed fraud.

Papers released today prove that, yes, it’s not just speculation, Humphries really did check “fraud” as the reason for legal separation.

Today, claims that because of religious conviction, Humphries is desperate not to divorce. He’s seeking annulment, expunging the marriage from ever happening. That’s probably not going to happen, so TMZ claims his second choice is requesting a separation be extended indefinitely; something that would preclude either from ever remarrying, but he finds it preferable to divorce.

However, in California, all it take is one request for divorce to get the ball rolling. So, unless Humphries can prove “clear and convincing evidence” of being defrauded into the marriage, a judge will grant Kardashian’s request to divorce.

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